All shapes
There are different shapes of precious stones to vary the design of pieces of jewelry and thus make them unique. Some are most famous than others, and yet, there are a great number of possible precious stones shapes. Pick the one you like most.
What distinguishes the different shapes of precious stones is their number of facets. Indeed, depending on the way it’s cut, a precious stone doesn’t have the same number of facets. For example, a round precious stone won’t have as many facets as a marquise one because its surface is smaller.
In general, the more facets a precious stone has, the more it’s expensive, especially as the precious stone you want is set on a golden or silver ring. Yet, rings adorned with precious stones are very appreciated by women. What an ideal gift for a birthday or a proposal!
The symbol of the angel is really strong because it makes us think of carefreeness and childhood. The angel is synonym of peace and wisdom. We have many angel-shaped pieces of jewelry. Our jewels are made by family businesses. Discover them quickly so you don’t get passed any. You will finally find the ideal gift for your child or one of your loved ones’.
Marine anchor
The marine style is the current trend. For sailing, sea, ocean or simply islands lovers, give a marine-anchor-shaped piece of jewelry for a marine style.
Military plate
The military plate shape is specific to the silver military plates we have on our website for an asserted style.
So, the shape of a precious stone depends on the number of facets it has. Its size determines its facets, shape and the complexity with which the gem has been cut.
Precious stones generally adorn rings, alone or with other precious or semi-precious stones. Yet, there are other jewels, like watches for example, that can have gems. Of course, their size is less small than on a ring, but the ones you can find on a watch still enhance this nice jewel we wear on the wrist.
If you’re looking for an original gift with precious stones, we can only recommend you to buy a bracelet to enhance a wrist. Naturally, giving a ring is always a timeless gift, even more when it comes from our other half.