How to clean a ring depending on the metal it’s made of?
You may not have known but you have to clean a ring differently depending on the metal it’s made of. Indeed, some have properties that others don’t have. You thus have to be careful to clean them properly at the risk of damaging them.
To help you take care of all your rings, here are some precious tips.
Cleaning a silver ring
A silver ring tends to tarnish more naturally than a gold ring. Indeed, silver rings generally contain copper, a material that tends to blacken over time. Silver rings are made with copper because pure silver alone is too malleable to be worn as a jewel, even more if they are worn on a daily basis and are regularly subject to small schocks.
To remove the sulfide layer from your ring, you can use:
- bicarbonate
- white vinegar
- lemon
- toothpaste
- salt
Mix one of these products with water with soap. Then, rub the solution with a soft toothbrush. Silver is a metal that is sensitive to humidity. That’s why we advise you to wipe it with a soft and absorbing cloth that will remove all the humidity, after rinsing it.

Cleaning a diamond ring
A silver ring may be rock solid, but it still a ring that demande a lot of maintenance. Indeed, its robustness doesn’t exclude that you regularly have to remove the dirt that will tend to tarnish it.
Yes, a diamond ring needs to be cleaned often, but it’s very easy. All you have to do is cleaning it more often than a ring made of another metal. To have its shine back, hot water and soap are enough. Then, you have to gently rub the diamond ring with a soft toothbrush, rinse it and wipe it a soft cloth.
However, be careful if other stones adorn your diamond ring: more work is needed. Precious stones like emeraude and pearls are fragile and cannot stand too hot liquids.

Cleaning a gold ring
A gold ring is the easiest ring to clean. Indeed, there are many ways to do so. The most famous is to soak it into Coca Cola for about 20 minutes. Rinse it with clear water, wipe it with a soft cloth and put in back on your hand!
Of course, you have many granny tips to clean a gold ring. For example, toothpaste is a miracle product that can clean any ring! Under the condition that you use toothpaste without microbeads because they could damage your jewel.
Marseille soap mixed witi hot water works just as good. All you have to do is prepare a small bowl of this solution and let your ring in it for about 30 minutes before rinsing it.
Le savon de Marseille mélangé à de l’eau chaude est également un très bon moyen de nettoyer une bague en or. Vous n’aurez qu’à préparer un petit bol de cette solution et d’y laisser tremper votre bague en or pendant une trentaine de minutes avant de la rincer.